Creating your Wedding Ceremony - where to start

There are many elements to the Wedding Day jigsaw. The Wedding Ceremony is the official part, the exchange of vows and rings and it can be very daunting not knowing where to start. 

There are too many things on your project management list, so how would you feel knowing that this is all taken care of? 

That your ceremony will be just the way you want it.

And when you walk into your venue you can enjoy the ceremony and experience every moment with your partner, creating memories for a lifetime!

Here are 3 tips to achieve that:

1. Choose the right Legal Wedding Solemniser for you.

  • I encourage you to ask friends that you have been to their wedding and liked the ceremony.

  • Check out wedding websites for suppliers list such as or Look through suppliers profiles  and contact those that you feel connected to. Put 10-15 min a side to have a call with them and you will know straight away if they are the right person for you!

2. If you have some ideas already about your ceremony, share them with as much detail as you can with your Wedding Solemniser. If you don't have any ideas, I will ask you questions to find out more about you and your partner to be able to get to know you better and offer suggestions that you might like. I love this part of the process of creating a Ceremony from a blank sheet! Your Wedding Ceremony, just like the wedding day, it can have many elements or it can be minimalist. And the best part is: YOU decide which!

3.   Reviewing the final draft that your Wedding Solemniser has put together should feel like it is just perfect. If anything doesn't sit right with you, get in touch and she will change it.

I love working with every couple to create their Wedding Ceremony and I am forever grateful to all the couples that chose me to celebrate their love with them!

You can contact me for a Free 30 min consultation to start planning YOUR Wedding Ceremony!

Boyana Boeva