Wedding Ritual Idea - Hand Fasting

Hand Fasting Wedding Ceremony Idea

This is a wonderful Celtic ritual to add to your wedding ceremony. Handfasting symbolises the freedom through which the couple enter the marriage, and with love and commitment they choose to stay married through the ups and downs of life. This is a ritual that can involve a family member or a friend if that's something you would like to do.

The Celebrant (aka Me) will guide the wedding couple to face each other and hold each others hands. Then you can have a family member, a friend or me wrap a string, a ribbon or a scarf around both of your hands and tie a knot. This is where the phrase "to tie the knot" comes from. The ribbon or material you choose can represent something meaningful to you, like a family colour or county colours. I had a beautiful Scottish bride who had a family tartan material to use. That personal touch is so meaningful and creates memories. This ritual is accompanied with words on the power of simple touch of a hand in your daily life and how that can help you in the hard days and bring the union together even stronger.

I will then remove the knot and you can keep it, some couples put them in a frame and proudly display it to remind them of the strong bond between them.

If this is something you would like to find out more feel free to send me a message.

Boyana Boeva